Friday, June 11, 2010
Breakthrough Thinking
Another Patton Associates S-M-A-R-TBriefing™
"Breakthrough Thinking® ...Adding Distinctive Value To Your Business & Life"
by: Gary F. Patton (gfp '42™)
Your Challenge
"Change is constant and inevitable. Improvement and growth are optional!" ~ gfp '42™
Every day, in service centers, offices, factories and homes, people try to solve problems. Yet, more often than not, their "solutions" are inappropriate, or even harmful. Incorrect thinking is usually the reason for failure in any endeavour.
You can cope with change, improve and grow in the new millennium, personally and organizationally, only by adding distinctive value, not just value, to your life and business. You will do so as you successfully solve your problems focusing on your customer whomever that may be in any circumstance.
The Key To Adding Distinctive value
Breakthrough Thinking® (BT) is the key distinctive value-adding process Patton Associates introduces to individuals and teams in working with them on any assignment no additional cost.
BT adds distinctive value to organizations by enabling an individual or team to discover the purpose-oriented, solution-after-next for their challenge and in the future. With appropriate coaching, your leadership team will learn how to use BT on its own to solve future business problems, with minimal or no outside coaching help.
At the same time, individuals also learn how to solve personal problems away from the office ...just as effectively.
How Breakthrough Thinking® Will Help Your Team
BT blends the best of the usual "Chance", "Affective" and "Rational" problem-solving techniques in a natural way. It is easy for you to use for every kind of problem. BT overcomes the inherent shortcomings in each of the traditional problem-solving approaches. It assumes that you have decided not to use the "Do Nothing" approach. BT is:
- simple ...You need no special knowledge or extensive training to use BT. It simply enhances your own creativity.
- practical ...You will increase the likelihood of finding a quality concept or "light bulb" idea, getting that idea accepted and, then, implementing it in less time and at less cost.
- transferable ...You can use BT in all areas of your life to enhance your success.
- proven effective ... BT is practiced worldwide by some of the most successful and innovative organizations. These range from industrial giants, like Mitsubishi, to hospitals, schools, governments and small businesses.
Putting BT's Principles To Work For You
The power of BT is its simplicity. It is a simple, not simplistic, and disciplined, common-sense approach to avoiding the seven basic errors usually made in problem solving.
BT gives you a successful thinking process to use, consistently, in solving your problems. BT focuses on solutions for your future rather than on problems in your past. To put it to work in your organization and life:
- Recognize that every problem is unique ... This prevents you from applying canned solutions, that may have worked in the past, to new needs and different situations.
- Focus on purposes ... This prevents you from working on the wrong problem by stripping away non-essentials and addressing both the immediate and practical, larger purposes for the future at the same time.
- Look for the solution-after-next ... This prevents you from stifling creativity and more effective solutions by working backward from an ideal, target solution for your future, larger purpose.
- Understand that every problem is part of a larger system ... This prevents you from overlooking complexities that you must embody in implementing your solution by making recommendations that fit the real world while coming closest to your ideal target.
- Limit data collection up front ... This prevents you from getting bogged down in detail and missing a simple solution because you know too much about your problem.
- Develop your solution with the people who will use it ... This prevents hostility and results in ownership of the changes by the solution's end-users from the beginning.
- Adopt a betterment time-line ... This prevents you from losing perspective by planning for a sequence of purpose-directed solutions as a bridge to a better future.
Enhancing Your Team's Creativity
BT is the natural process identified by Gerald Nadler, of the University of Southern California and Shozo Hibino, of Chuyko University, Japan. They spent years researching, applying, and verifying what it is that successful leaders do to come up with truly creative, ground-breaking solutions to their problems. Nadler and Hibino identified the seven, simple, cross-cultural principles that consistently are used by all effective problem solvers. They also have discovered the steps that you can use to increase your success in solving your problems optimally.
BT could result in your using one of the new, business management processes for coping with 21st century change and competition as well as the need to provide superior, customer-delighting service. "Re-engineering", "chaos inducement" or another process could be your BT solution to your problem. But, BT does not start from the assumption that there is only one solution for your unique problem.
Unleashing New Possibilities
Here’s your customer service and people skills S-M-A-R-TTip™: "Consider the exciting possibilities for enhancing your potential and performance with Breakthrough Thinking! ~ gfp '42™ BT is elegant and powerful in its simplicity. Its seven, common sense principles, consistently applied by individuals and work or home teams, have the potential to revolutionize your business or organization and your life. You will communicate better and more powerfully when you do, no matter who or how you serve. Remember, quality customer service is a moment-to-moment choice. And life is an unending series of choices.
Please drop me a line using the link immediately below this paragraph. I'd love to hear what you think and how you feel about the above.
With my compliments and permission to reproduce, without change, including the following:
© Copyright 2000-10 Gary Patton,, People Development Coaches & Consultants
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons 3.0 License.
Labels: communications, creativity, leadership, planning, problem solving, stress management, time management