Saturday, July 05, 2008


Does Henry Morgentaler Deserve the Order of Canada?

Quick, name one thing that's more contentious in Canada than abortion? Varying political views you might answer? Or religion? Or how to approach terrorism?

All these may be inappropriate in 'polite company' some may argue. But, they all seem to pale in contentiousness beside the question of whether or not one agrees that a fertilized egg in the womb is a incipient human being and to cause that life to be ended is murder.

People of faith, including we Followers of Jesus, seem to hold varying views on the issue of abortion. The great majority of us, however, oppose Mr. Morgentaler's selection for the highest honour in the land ...or any honour for that matter. Many Canadians, in fact 92% of us according to one poll, oppose his getting the Order of Canada, at least.

Ms. Barbara Kay, a commentator for the National Post in her column, Full Comment, feels we do so because the contentiousness of the man and that his promotion and facilitation of abortion fly in the face of the purpose of the award.

"Dr. Morgentaler is unsympathetic to these and all other moral shadings", she writes. "So a significant number of Canadians were offended [July 1st] — and many were more than offended: They were ashamed and morally anguished at his invitation into the Order."

"He was rewarded for remorseless extremism in a morally dubious cause, Ms Kay contends." You can read why she feels Canadians are so opposed here.

What do you think and how do you feel? After you read what she has to say, please come back and express your opinion below. It's free ...and freeing!!

Now It's Your Turn!: Please share how you feel and what you think about the issues and/or what Ms Kay says. For example: "Is Morgentaler a suitable candidate of the highest honour in the land?" and "Is the selection Committee only pushing their views and agenda?" or "How do you feel about the core issue, abortion?" (My 'Comment Section', in which you may share anonymously, will open to you when you click on "comments" immediately below this post. The simple “Word Verification Procedure” there before you can post is included to prevent spammers from spoiling your enjoyment of my site.)

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