Sunday, September 18, 2005


My God-Incident

There are jokes told about God speaking to us when we are simply flipping through the Bible while pondering an issue. Have you ever wondered about whether it really happens? I have!

No longer will I wonder. For today, it happened to me!

During my Quiet Time this morning, I was reading an excellent little booklet from RBC Ministries, in their 'Discovery Series'. It is called "Praying with Confidence, Overcoming Disappointment in Prayer.” On page 18, I had just read: "We will not discover the confidence of being 'at one with God', however, if we have not first been honest about the thoughts and emotions of our own hearts. Integrity of soul is basic to overcoming disappointment with God and developing confidence in prayer."

The idea struck me as powerful. So, I stopped. I pondered where I might find this principle confirmed in God’s Word.

Psalm 139:23-24 came to me as verses that encourage us to ask Holy Spirit to reveal our true thoughts and feelings to our conscious mind. My memory of them was shaky. I flipped open my Bible to the Psalms to re-check what they said. I happened to land on Psalm 39.

Verse 2 caught my attention. There, before my eyes, was exactly about what I had been wondering.

To my amazement I read: "I kept completely silent, but it did no good, and I hurt even worse. I felt a fire burning inside, and the more I thought, the more it burned, ...". (Psalms 39:2-3 CEV)

Now It's Your Turn!: Have you had a God-incident similar to mine? What do you think and how do you feel about God conversing with us? (My 'Comment Section', in which you can share anonymously, will open to you when you click on "comments" immediately below this post.)

Until next time, how can I help you? (You can contact me by clicking here. You also can contact me directly to be added to Patton Associates’ S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ Mailing List. Check out recent samples here.)

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