Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Why North Americans Get So Sick, Suffer So Much, and Die Too Soon!
So far in my reading, Campbell, who is a world renowned scientist, has lived up to the cover's billing. In fact, I'm excited by what I am learning because it is empowering.
I'll post my book review as soon as possible.
Now It's Your Turn!: What is it about the current health field that "bugs" you the most? Campbell, who does not strike me as a conspiracy theorist, suggests that we, the public, have been deliberately confused about issues surrounding our health. He says we are the victims of an intentional misinformation campaign by a number of 'authorities' in society that we have wrongly trusted. Please share what you think and how you feel about the 'wellness/ diet industry'. (My 'Comment Section', in which you can share anonymously, will open to you when you click on "Comments" immediately below this post.)
Until next time, how can I help you? (You can contact me by clicking here. Also, contact me directly to be added to Patton Associates’ S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ Mailing List. Check out recent samples here.)