Tuesday, August 23, 2005
"More Effective Decision Making"
Life comes with difficult challenges, but individuals can take steps to solve problems more efficiently.
There are five, key steps according to University of Alabama at Birmingham clinical psychologist Timothy Elliott, Ph.D.. These were reported by NewsWise earlier today.
Hopefully, you will find them as helpful as did I. Here are Elliott’s five steps. I’ve suggested a sixth for your consideration:
3. Be creative! “Sometimes the simplest of problems seem complicated because we aren’t willing to be creative in our solutions. Try bouncing some ideas off of a friend or family member.”
4. Consider how well you understand the problem. “Make sure you understand who or what is causing the problem.”
5. Consider the positive and negative outcomes of each possible solution.
My suggestion on the last step is to weight the pros and cons carefully but as quickly as possible. This way you will avoid what I call ‘decision paralysis’.
After you have executed Elliott's five steps, here’s my sixth …
6. Make your decision comfortably knowing the you have done the best you know how in making the wisest choice. Remember: Life is no fun without some risk. And we learn fastest and best by making mistakes. Babies learn to walk by falling down and getting right back up again.
Now It's Your Turn!: What are your biggest challenges in making good decisions? What tips(s) would you add to what I’ve shared above? (My 'Comment Section', in which you can share anonymously, will open to you when you click on "Comments" immediately below this post.)
Until next time, how can I help you? (You can contact me by clicking here. Also, contact me directly to be added to Patton Associates’ S-M-A-R-TBriefing™ Mailing List. Check out recent samples here.)