Saturday, July 23, 2005
Problems with 'The Prayer of Jabez' by Berit Kjos
This is a controversial issue.
What do you think and how do you feel? My comment section is open for you. I will respond.
Thoughts from a Follower of Jesus, both inspired and not, for your reaction as we journey along together! “It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.” – Ursula K. LeGuin (1929- ) U.S author
I am a people development coach and consultant ...The People Development Guy. I specialize in facilitating customer service-related human relations / people skills training programs that are powerfully effective cross-generationally. As well, I consult to organizations in the people development field. I also work with individuals coaching professionals & leaders in becoming better at what they do. I also teach part-time at York University in Toronto. To re-create, I love to hike, ride my bike, and explore good books. I also avidly read health labels!